1.) I did a powerful meditation on a Friday night on attracting wealth. I got the skin prickles and everything! The very next day, I had a tutoring client that needed me for 8+hours! She paid me more than I have ever made in a day and she was SO grateful, she kept apologizing for not being able to give me more!
4.) For as long as I can remember, I struggled with allowing other people's opinions of me define how I see myself. If someone was angry with me - I would beat myself up about it. This year, I have been working on NOT doing that. I've FINALLY developed the magical ability to separate myself from other people's *stuff*. It is RIDICULOUSLY freeing! I need to write a blog post on that...
5.) Because of the above, I am able to be more of myself! It is super uncomfortable to shrink myself in order to fit into what makes others feel comfortable... So happy I don't have to do that anymore! Of course I do not want people to feel uncomfortable - and I would never knowingly offend someone. However, I have realized that their discomfort typically has nothing to do with me. ;).
And I that is it for now!